Author: corrrad_8kmcxn

Author: corrrad_8kmcxn

Corrosion and Cathodic Protection

CORROSION AND CATHODIC PROTECTION CATHODIC PROTECTION Introduction: Cathodic Protection is an electrical method of preventing corrosion to metallic structures which are in electrolytes such as soil

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PROTECTIVE COATING – INSPECTION HOLIDAY DETECTOR TEST This is a high voltage test carried out on underground M.S. pipelines coated with hot or cold applied

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Supply and Application of Coatings

SUPPLY AND APPLICATION OF COATINGS Corr-Rad supplies and provides application services for hot and cold applied pipeline coatings. Corr-Rad is also marketing anti-corrosive tapes of the highest standards.

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Monitoring and Maintainance

MONITORING AND MAINTENANCE The ICCP System shall have to be monitored by taking readings as mentioned below: MONITORING SCHEDULE: Transformer Rectifier Output Daily Individual Anode

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Testing and Commissioning

CATHODIC PROTECTION – TESTING AND COMMISSIONING A) TEMPORARY CATHODIC PROTECTION SYSTEM Natural potential Anode potential Anode current PSP of entire pipeline Checking of Insulation joint.

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CATHODIC PROTECTION – DESIGN: The cathodic protection system is generally designed to meet the following requirements: The pipe-to-soil potential will be between (-) 0.85 Volt

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CATHODIC PROTECTION – SURVEY Preliminary Surveys required before design of Cathodic Protection System : To firm up a Cathodic Protection System Design certain data is

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